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Governing Board

Message from the Chair of the Governing Board

I am proud to have been elected as Chair of Governors at St Johns CE (VA) Primary School and, as a board, all governors are committed to working hard to support our Headteacher and staff and want the very best for our children.

The Governing Board is responsible for all matters relating to the successful and effective management of the school including teaching and learning, safeguarding, Christian distinctiveness, health and safety, staffing, premises and ensuring financial accountability and sustainability. We meet twice a term and act as a ‘critical friend’, supporting and challenging the Headteacher and leaders of the school.

Should you wish to contact us to discuss any matter further please do so by first contacting our Headteacher, Mrs S Bowyer.

Kind Regards

Mrs Laraine Jones – Chair of Governors.


Our Governing Board

School governors are a group of volunteers who come together as a group called the School Governing Body or Board. They support and challenge the headteacher to get the very best in education for the children and families in their school community.

A governing board has a strong focus on three key issues:

  • Making sure the school has a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.


Our current governing board members are:


Governor Type

Term From

Term To

Disclosure of Pecuniary and Other Interests

Mrs Eileen Bithell

Foundation Governor

05 Jul 2021

4 Jul 2025

29 Sept 2022

Mrs Susan Bowyer


04 Jan 2021


30 Sept 2022

Mrs Sally Brough

Elected Member

(no voting rights)

05 Jul 2021

4 Jul 2025

18 Nov 2022

Mr Stephen Copner

Foundation governor

03 Feb 2024

2 Feb 2028

29 Sept 2022

Mrs Lauren Dowley

Parent governor

01 Sep 2022

31 Aug 2026

29 Sept 2022

Rev. Liz Hollis Ex-Officio Foundation governor



Mrs Sam Johnson

Foundation governor

05 Jul 2021

4 Jul 2025

15 Sept 2022

Mrs Laraine Jones

Foundation governor


03 Feb 2024

2 Feb 2028

29 Sept 2022

Ms Jade Kelsall Parent governor 18 Sep 2024 17 Sep 2024  
Mr Akkash Mahmood Staff governor  18 Sep 2024 17 Sep 2028  

Mr Nick Parkes

Foundation governor

06 Sep 2022

5 Sep 2026

29 Sept 2022

Mrs Sue Sampey

Observer – School Business Manager

01 Mar 2024

28 Feb 2028

Feb 2024

Mrs Margaret Stevenson

Foundation governor

05 Jul 2021

4 Jul 2025

29 Sept 2022

Vacancy Foundation governor      

Mrs Anna Podsiadlo

Parent governor



4 Jun 2023

8 Dec 2022

Mr Imran Hanif

Parent Governor


03 Nov 2021



Miss Sarah Mazzei-Scaglione

Staff Governor


31 Dec 2021



Mrs Helen Kennedy

Foundation Governor


04 May 2022



Mr Lee Nicholls

Foundation Governor


16 Jan 2023


29 Sept 2022

Cllr Jacqueline Barnes

Local Authority Governor

Resigned 08 May 2023  

 29 Sept 2022

Miss Rachel Jackson

Staff governor

Resigned 31 May 2024


7 Nov 2022

Ms Nikki Matthews

Observer – School Business Manager

Resigned 23rd Feb 2024


7 Nov 2022


We have 3 full governing board meetings each year as well as committee meetings for:

Finance, Business and Compliance (Chair: Mrs Sally Brough)

Curriculum and Standards (Chair: Mrs Laraine Jones)


Local Authority appointed (recommended) by Stoke-on-Trent City Council

Parent Governor, elected by parents at the school

Staff governor elected by staff at the school

Foundation Governor, appointed by Diocesan Education Service, Diocesan Board of Education, Foundation Trust*

Co-opted Governor, appointed by the governing body


The Role of the Chair of the Governing Board:

  • To ensure the business of the Governing Board is conducted properly, in accordance with legal and Stoke-on-Trent City Council delegation requirements.
  • To ensure meetings are run effectively, focusing on priorities and making the best use of time available, and to ensure that all members have an equal opportunity to participate in discussion and decision-making.
  • To establish and foster an effective relationship with the Headteacher based on trust and mutual respect for each other’s roles. The Chair has an important role in ensuring that the Governing Board acts as a sounding board to the Headteacher and provides strategic direction.

The Role of the Clerk to the Governing Board:

  • To work effectively with the Chair of Governors, the other Governors and the Headteacher to support the Governing Board.
  • To advise the Governing Board on Constitutional and Procedural Matters, duties and powers.
  • To convene meetings of the Governing Board.
  • To attend meetings of the Governing Board and ensure minutes are taken.
  • To maintain a register of members of the Governing Board and report vacancies to the Governing Board.
  • To give and receive notices in accordance with relevant regulations.
  • To perform such other functions as may be determined by the Governing Board from time to time.

The Role of the Chair of a Committee:

  • To ensure the business of the Committee is conducted properly, in accordance with legal requirements.
  • To ensure meetings are run effectively, focusing on priorities and making the best use of time available, and to ensure that all members have an equal opportunity to participate in discussion and decision-making.

The Role of the Clerk to Committees:

  • To advise the Committee on procedural and legal matters.
  • To convene meetings of the Committee.
  • To attend meetings of the Committee and ensure minutes are taken.
  • To perform such other functions with respect to the Committee as may be determined by the Governing Board from time to time.

The Governing Board
The Governing Board needs to take a strategic role, act as a critical friend to the school and be accountable for its decisions. It should set aims and objectives and agree, monitor and review policies, targets and priorities.

Terms of reference:

  • To agree constitutional matters*, including procedures where the Governing Board has discretion.
  • To recruit new members as vacancies arise and to appoint new governors* where appropriate.
  • To hold at least three Governing Board meetings a year.*
  • To appoint or remove the Chair and Vice Chair.*
  • To appoint or remove a Clerk to the Governing Board.*
  • To establish the committees of the Governing Board and their terms of reference.*
  • To appoint the Chair of any committee (if not delegated to the committee itself).
  • To appoint or remove a Clerk to each committee.*
  • To suspend a governor.*
  • To decide which functions of the Governing Board will be delegated to committees, groups and individuals.*
  • To receive reports from any individual or committee to whom a decision has been delegated and to consider whether any further action by the Governing Board is necessary.*
  • To approve the first formal budget plan of the financial year.
  • To keep the Health and Safety Policy and its practice under review and to make revisions where appropriate.
  • To review the delegation arrangements annually.*

*these matters cannot be delegated to either a committee or an individual

Membership – As per the Instrument of Government

Disqualification – as per Regulation 20 and Schedule 6 of the Constitution Regulations

Contact Us

St Johns CE(A) Primary School Wheatly Ave, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 6SB

01782 238889